E.60: Thriving WITH a Terrible Diagnosis

with Celeste Watkins-Hayes

Thriving With a Terrible Diagnosis
Morella Devost & Celeste Watkins-Hayes

Episode Notes:

How does one THRIVE in spite of an HIV positive diagnosis? Or any other life-threatening diagnosis, for that matter?

Celeste Watkins-Hayes shares what she's learned over 15 years tracking the lives of more than 100 women living with HIV/AIDS:

  • How they go from "dying from", to "living with", to "thriving despite"...

  • How they turn “marginalized” into “meaningful”…

  • The power of owning your story to reclaim your power…

Her book, Remaking A Life: How Women Living with HIV/AIDS Confront Inequality, is available now.

E.57: The Journey to Worthiness & Self-Love

with Keele Burgin

The Journey to Worthiness & Self-Love
Morella Devost & Keele Burgin

Episode Notes:

We all have had experiences in life that have left us feeling broken. Keele Burgin lived through horrible childhood abuse that left her shattered.  Her new memoir, Wholly Unravelled, tells the story of how she escaped her abusive father and the religious cult they were a part of, how she then ran into drug addiction and self destruction, to finally find a path towards healing and self-love at a remote Catholic community. 

In our conversation, Keele talks about:

  • What she tells young women who need to escape abuse...

  • How she found the courage to disconnect from her family of origin...

  • Why it was so scary to be vulnerable with the man who loved her deeply...

  • What forgiveness means and why she was able to forgive her parents...

  • The horrific response of the priest to whom she told she had been raped, and how that was a massive turning point for her... 

  • What the Catholic church means to her...

  • How we can collectively stem domestic violence... 

Her memoir, Wholly Unravelled, is available now.  You can learn more about Keele’s work through her website, KeeleBurgin.com

E.53: The Healing Power of Sisterhood

with Jessica Barnum

The Healing Power of Sisterhood
Morella Devost & Jessica Barnum

Episode Notes:

Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, and English teacher, Jessica Barnum talks about the sisterhood she started:

  • What "Goddess Gigs" consist of.

  • The beauty of showing up vulnerably, with open hearts, and wanting to know what is true for each sister, whatever is going on for her in her life.

  • Thoughts on forming these intentional sisterhood and ‘goddess gatherings’.

  • The magic of welcoming playfulness and silliness.

Her new children’s book, 'Round the World about Alu the owl who decides to go on a monocycle adventure is available online now through Lulu Press.

E.48: The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology

with Dominique Antiglio

The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology
Morella Devost & Dominique Antiglio

Episode Notes:

Sophrologist Dominique Antiglio shares:

  • What is Sophrology and why professional athletes are using it all over Europe

  • The different ways in which the practice helps with stress management, anxiety, and other emotional/mental challenges

  • How to use Sophrology for achieving goals, productivity, birth preparation, and more.  

Her book, The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology, is available online. To learn more, visit Dominique’s website: Be-Sophro.com

E.47: Renewal Through Nature

with Andrés R. Edwards

Renewal Through Nature
Morella Devost & Andres R. Edwards

Episode Notes:

What if the key for both personal thriving and planetary thriving is that humans return to our innate interconnectedness with the natural world?

Andres R. Edwards, award-winning author of sustainability books, shares deep insights and science from his new book, Renewal: How Nature Awakens Our Creativity, Compassion, and Joy:

  • In busy urban areas… how to bring the benefits of being out in nature into our interior spaces?

  • What awe, beauty, time in spent in nature, and natural design do for human health…

  • The difference between children with “Nature Deficit Disorder” and children in Scandinavian countries who are raised with “friluftsliv”

  • What is Compassionate Conservation and what the case of the relocation of the leopards in Mumbai teaches us about how we can do conservation well

  • Nature as a mentor for humans… where that takes us…

To learn more about Andrés’s work, visit www.AndresEdwards.com

E.45: Giving Back Through Simple Acts

with Natalie Silverstein

Giving Back Through Simple Acts
Morella Devost & Natalie Silverstein

Episode Notes:

Natalie is a busy mom of three. She talks about her new book, Simple Acts: The Busy Family’s Guide to Giving Back, and shares:

  • The many simple, at-home activities in which parents can engage children in order to instill an easy community service attitude

  • What’s the right age to start teaching children about community service…

  • The impact of volunteering and service on children; the life skills it builds; the lessons and conversations that emerge from it.

  • The empowering and also healing effect of community service for both children and adults.

E.34: Mutual Awakening & Evolutionary Relationships

with Toni Monsey, PhD

Mutual Awakening & Evolutionary Relationships
Morella Devost & Toni Monsey

Episode Notes:

Toni Monsey, PhD joins us to talk about the practice of Mutual Awakening as developed by Patricia Albere and The Evolutionary Collective. She shares:

What is Mutual Awakening and how it’s different from traditional meditation

  • The new frontier of consciousness that emerges through the practice of Mutual Awakening

  • How relationships are transformed through it

  • What it means to have Evolutionary Relationships

To learn more about the practice of Mutual Awakening, you can visit Toni’s website or connect with her through her Facebook page. You can also find out more about the Evolutionary Collective through their website.

E.31: Creating Heaven On Earth: The Scientific Proof

with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

Creating Heaven On Earth: The Scientific Proof
Morella Devost & Bruce Lipton

Episode Notes:

Bruce Lipton, PhD, best-selling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect, and former professor and researcher at the medical schools of The University of Wisconsin and Stanford University, shares the scientific proof (and the good news) that we each have the power to create heaven on earth.

In this powerful conversation, Bruce touches on:

  • The scientific evidence that: (1) we are not at the mercy of our genes, (2) evolution is not random or slow, and (3) mind/spirit and matter are not separate

  • How these myths keep us believing ourselves powerless

  • How we can reclaim our power to shape our health AND the reality around us

You can find Bruce’s books and upcoming events on his website: BruceLipton.com

E.27: The Joy, Pleasure & Fun of Good Food

with Suzanne Podhaizer

The Joy, Pleasure & Fun of Good Food
Morella Devost & Suzanne Podhaizer

Episode Notes:

Suzanne is a chef and educator, and she brings her love of good food and her understanding of the multidimensional aspects that create extraordinary food. She shares her passion for food and provides great inspiration for:

  • How to have more fun in the kitchen and lose the fear that you’ll ruin your dish

  • Some basic skills that will make you a better cook and what’s a great way to stretch your creativity

  • How to develop the skill for creating dishes that taste extraordinary

  • What a chef thinks about the difference between cooking with ingredients bought locally and seasonally, vs. cooking with foods from the grocery store

You can contact Suzanne and learn more about her cooking classes through her Facebook page: Every Table VT

E.25: Living Your Purpose

with Melani Marx

Living Your Purpose
Morella Devost & Melani Marx

Episode Notes:

Melani Marx know about living one’s purpose. She is one of the boldest people I know as her purpose is one that is definitely off the beaten path! She shares with us:

  • What it means to live IN purpose… and not just “finding your purpose” as in finding your calling in life

  • How your purpose may change from one moment to the next ;-)

  • What practices help you move into alignment with your purpose

  • The impact on your life of living in alignment with purpose

  • The signs that you’re not in alignment… and so much more

To find more about Melani and her work, you can visit her website.

E.23: What Laughter Teaches Us About Living & Dying

with Jennifer Mathews, MA

What Laughter Teaches Us About Living & Dying
Morella Devost & Jennifer Mathews, MA

Episode Notes:

Death and laughter are not two words that we often string together, but Jen Mathews does a brilliant job of teaching how laughter, and in particular Laughter Yoga, is a therapeutic tool not just for life but for navigating the difficult experience of death and loss.

Jen touches on:

For more information on her workshop and to read her blog, you can go to her website: JenniferMathews.com

E.22: Money Traps & the Keys to Overcome Them

with Rev. Karen Russo

Money Traps & The Keys To Overcome Them
Morella Devost & Rev. Karen Russo

Episode Notes:

What if money is NOT the root of all evil and that in fact your relationship with money can be just as spiritual as going to church? What if your money issues are really faith issues?

Rev. Karen Russo talks about our relationship with money and the Divine as one and she presents 3 core money myths (or money traps) that keep many people stuck in their money woes. For each myth, she also presents a set of keys or practices to overcome them.

To learn more about Rev. Karen, her books and her work, you can go to her website: TheMoneyKeys.com

E.14: Revolutionizing What It Means To Be Human

with Aja Andromeda

Revolutionizing What It Means To Be Human
Morella Devost & Aja Andromeda

Episode Notes:

What if there is more to us than meets the eye? Aja Andromeda presents how all human beings have capacities beyond those we typically recognize and utilize. She tells her story of awakening to the multidimensional aspects of herself and how we can all do the same through certain key practices. She speaks of how this opening to our multidimensionality enables us to heal more easily and create lives with greater joy and peace.

You can reach her through her website:  MultidimensionalU.com and subscribe both to her weekly messages and her weekly live meditation for her Facebook group.

E.11: Surviving & Thriving Through the Dark Night of the Soul

with Cora Poage

Surviving & Thriving Through the Dark Night of the Soul
Morella Devost & Cora Poage

Episode notes:

Cora vulnerably and bravely talks about her recent "dark night of the soul" experience, and she presents us with a list of simple practices to help us navigate the dark times in life. Among some of the practices she presents and explains: Presence, Breathing, Self-honesty, Morning practice, Reaching out for support, and so much more. 

The books that Cora mentioned at the end are: How Much Does Your Soul Weigh? and A New Earth

And so much more! You can find Cora through her website: CoraPoage.com

E.10: Creating Workspaces That Bring Out Your Brilliance

with Judith Tamarah

Creating Workspaces That Bring Out Your Brilliance
Morella Devost & Judith Tamarah

Episode Notes:

Is your office supporting or hindering your best work? In this episode we talk about simple changes to your workspace so you feel surrounded with the qualities that bring out your brilliance, your best work and career success.

Judith walks us through simple steps to help us figure out the smallest of changes we can make that will produce big results in how our space works for us. 

She talks about 3 magical things that happen when you create a space that is beautiful to you, and how when we our current spaces resemble the spaces of our childhood, we typically repeat patterns from our childhood/our family.

To find our more about Judith's work, you can find her on her website.

E.02: How To Rock Your Life

with Taraleigh Weathers, Author

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How To Rock Your Life
Morella Devost & Taraleigh Weathers

Episode Notes:

Coach & author Taraleigh Weathers shares some of her wonderful strategies and tips to bring the magic of live music into our everyday lives... such as "getting high" (on good vibes), slaying the time & energy vampires, making magic normal, and more. 

Taraleigh shares compelling stories on how making life magical can be SO simple.

E.01: About this podcast ~ turning challenges around to thrive in every dimension of life

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1_ About This Podcast ~ Turning challenges into thriving
Morella Devost

Episode notes:

What if you're meant to thrive in every area of your life?

In this opening episode of the podcast I share with you why I've come to believe we are all meant to thrive, and that we can transform every dimension of our lives ~ from our health, to our career, our finances, our relationships and beyond.

I also tell you why I've decided to launch the podcast.

Let me know what you think in the comments and if you're liking the podcast, please do subscribe + rate + review on iTunes. It helps the podcast to be found by others.