with Andrés R. Edwards
Episode Notes:
What if the key for both personal thriving and planetary thriving is that humans return to our innate interconnectedness with the natural world?
Andres R. Edwards, award-winning author of sustainability books, shares deep insights and science from his new book, Renewal: How Nature Awakens Our Creativity, Compassion, and Joy:
In busy urban areas… how to bring the benefits of being out in nature into our interior spaces?
What awe, beauty, time in spent in nature, and natural design do for human health…
The difference between children with “Nature Deficit Disorder” and children in Scandinavian countries who are raised with “friluftsliv”
What is Compassionate Conservation and what the case of the relocation of the leopards in Mumbai teaches us about how we can do conservation well
Nature as a mentor for humans… where that takes us…
To learn more about Andrés’s work, visit www.AndresEdwards.com