
E.49: Finding Joy After Tragedy

with Belinda Farrell


Episode Notes:

Overcoming the tragedy of her son's suicide, losing all of her money in a Ponzi scheme, and healing herself from incapacitating back injuries, Belinda Farrell is a powerful voice for resiliency and the human ability to find joy even after adversity. She shares:

  • An ancient Huna chant for clearing dark energy

  • How Huna (ancient Hawaii) healing helped her heal her back.

  • The practice of Ho'Oponopono, Cutting cords and what that does.

  • Reconnective Healing

Her book, Find Your Friggin Joy, is available online. 

E.23: What Laughter Teaches Us About Living & Dying

with Jennifer Mathews, MA


Episode Notes:

Death and laughter are not two words that we often string together, but Jen Mathews does a brilliant job of teaching how laughter, and in particular Laughter Yoga, is a therapeutic tool not just for life but for navigating the difficult experience of death and loss.

Jen touches on:

For more information on her workshop and to read her blog, you can go to her website: