
E.63: Relieving PTSD, Depression, Anxiety & Trauma

with Captain Dan Willis


Session Notes:

Everybody deals with some level of trauma in their life. For some, trauma is severe enough to leave lasting effects, including post-traumatic stress.

Captain Dan Willis, retired Homicide Detective and SWAT Commander, as well as wellbeing coordinator and teacher, talks about the high levels of PTSD and trauma among first responders. He shares insights and tools from his book, Bulletproof Spirit:

  • How trauma accumulates in small increments for first responders who are exposed to the worst of human nature, day in and day out…

  • The telltale signs of trauma and PTSD…

  • How trauma “crushes the spirit and “suffocates the heart”…

  • The essential strategies to heal the broken spirit…

  • How loved ones and peers can offer support to those living with trauma and PTSD…

To learn more about Captain Dan’s work, visit and to purchase a copy of his book, you can find it here:

E.56: Panic Free - A 10-Day Method

with Tom Bunn, LCSW


Episode Notes:

Do you get panic attacks? Have fear of flying or riding in elevators? How about driving through tunnels or bridges?

A former air force and airline pilot who became a therapist tells us about the program he developed to help people tackle their fear of flying.

We talk about:

  • How to use oxytocin to stop anxiety from even starting…

  • His technique for associating the calming, soothing presence of a loved one with each of the triggering moments that could lead up to a panic attack…

  • Why our early childhood is what sets people off to experience panic and anxiety...

  • The 5 - 4 -3 - 2 - 1 exercise that can stop the pattern of anxiety-provoking thoughts…

His new book, Panic Free: The 10-Day Program to End Panic, Anxiety, and Claustrophobia is available now..

E.48: The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology

with Dominique Antiglio


Episode Notes:

Sophrologist Dominique Antiglio shares:

  • What is Sophrology and why professional athletes are using it all over Europe

  • The different ways in which the practice helps with stress management, anxiety, and other emotional/mental challenges

  • How to use Sophrology for achieving goals, productivity, birth preparation, and more.  

Her book, The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology, is available online. To learn more, visit Dominique’s website:

E.08: Unlocking The Flow of Your Health

with Dr. Travis Elliott


Episode notes:

What if a SINGLE drop of your blood could tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about your health at this very moment? AND dictate what is the first priority to focus on?

Dr. Travis Elliott, Naturopathic Physician tells us about how adding Bio-Resonance Analysis (BAH) to his practice allowed him to make two HUGE advances in his treatment of patients:

  1. He is now able to incorporate energy medicine into his many (already successful) physiological treatments from functional medicine.
  2. Hw can create completely customize treatment plans for every single patient, that are based on diagnostics of the most important priorities in their unique experience.

Travis tells us how no two people are the same, and even if their symptoms seem the same, the causes and their complete picture of health will be radically different and needs to be tackled differently. 

You can find Dr. Elliott's practice through his website