Reclaiming Wholeness:
A healing group for CIS-women who experienced sexual trauma.
I’d love to welcome you into this group if it’s right for you.
Hi there,
I know that if you’re reading this, chances are you experienced something terrible. I know it can be hard to talk about and I know that even if many years have passed since it happened, it can still affect you on many levels. So before we go any further, I want to let you know that there’s hope.
I promise you this:
It IS possible to get to a place where you feel free of the influence of that past.
How do I know?
I know because I lived it too. It happened to me and it affected me for many years, until I did the work that I want to tell you about on this page. Before I did this, I sometimes wasn’t sure I would ever be fully rid of the nasty feelings I carried in my body as a result of the trauma.
This page is an invitation to join me and a small group of women for a 3-month healing circle. If you already know that this is not for you, you can stop reading here. No hard feelings :)
If you’re reading on, you know all too well how profoundly sexual trauma affects us and how long it can linger. Even after you think you’ve worked on it, you might find yourself all of a sudden getting triggered. And when you do, it can leave you feeling hopeless, believing that perhaps you’ll never be able to completely put those horrible memories in the past.
In 2007, I went through a healing experience where I cleared the first layer of the sexual abuse I experienced in 1994. At that point, I thought I was all done with that story. But then in 2015, while in a completely safe space, I was triggered out of the blue and I realized that a deeper layer of pain was still lingering in me. It was then that I walked myself through the series of healing processes that constitute the core of the sexual-trauma healing work I’ve done with clients —both at group retreats and in private practice— over the past seven years.
Here’s what I know about healing sexual trauma:
It does not require rehashing the details of what happened. In fact, sometimes that is the opposite of what’s necessary.
It does require taking the reins of our own healing so that we can reclaim our power back from the story.
It does not have to be incredibly hard and uncomfortable.
It does take the courage to roll your sleeves up and do the work of pulling yourself out of the hole of trauma.
It is not through logical, linear processing that we heal from trauma.
It is through moving and changing the symbolic, somatic, and sensory memories and reactions that are stored in your body and psyche.
It does not require a lengthy process.
The women in this program will come together to:
Be the authors of their own healing,
Reclaim the pieces of themselves that were fractured off as a result of the abuse,
Find community in healing, and
Reclaim their power to feel whole and to thrive in life.
…I call it Reclaiming Wholeness.
This group program is based on a retreat that I have been facilitating since 2015. After having felt utterly transformed by this work, I decided to offer it to small groups in retreat form, and participants have said that they too felt powerfully changed by it.
So… because of this program started off as a retreat, the Reclaiming Wholeness group experience will feel a little bit like a retreat and personal growth workshop.
What Reclaiming Wholeness is and what it is not:
It is a structured, workshop-like group. Each week, there are specific activities/processes that we will do together, and all of them will be facilitated by me.
It is not group therapy, where the process is primarily through talking and group dynamics.
It is a closed group: the group will only consist of the people who are present at the beginning of the group.
It will not be an ongoing group. Once we reach 12 weeks, the group will end.
It incorporates activities drawn from a variety of modalities. There is writing, sharing, drawing, movement, mindfulness, somatic exercises, guided meditations, energy work, creating rituals and more. Each of the activities is designed for YOU to be the one who is taking charge of your own healing journey.
In other words, even though we do plenty of sharing about what people are experiencing during the program, the core of the work is done via individual activities and guided exercises.
This group requires you to participate fully. To get the full benefit of the program, you need to attend every meeting.
You could potentially miss the final 1-2 meetings without much consequence, but once you’ve experienced the group, I am certain you won’t want to. :)
This group will be deeply nurturing, playful, and active, while also honoring the reality that this is important, sensitive work that we will be doing together.
In this group, we will not be rehashing the details of the experiences each participant went through.
Here are some basic details:
Size of the group: 6-8 adult women
Duration of the group: 12 weeks
Length of meetings: 90 minutes
Meeting location: the comfort of your own home as we will meet via my private Zoom account.
Schedule: We will meet 12 Wednesdays, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm EST. (We will probably start in either February or March, once we have 6-8 people.)
Cost: $490 due before the program starts (a 3-installment payment plan is also available)
Do you think this might be the perfect group for you?
If you are feeling drawn to be a part of this experience, or even to learn more about it, the next step is to schedule an interview call with me to answer any additional questions you may have and for us to make sure that the group is in fact the right space for you.
In advance of that call, I would love for you to tell me a little bit about yourself. So when you click on the button below, it will take you to a form where you can tell me more and I’ll get in touch with you within 24 hours to set up a time to connect.
I am SO looking forward to meeting you and potentially having you in this beautiful group!