The Power of Emptiness vs. Being Consumed with the Material World

What helps us heal? What is the magic that helps us transform? How do we awaken?

The Tao speaks of being vs. non-being --in other words, of the material world vs. emptiness (or presence)-- and it says that though we see and engage with the material, what really matters is the emptiness (the experience, our inner presence).

In order to awaken, to heal and transform...

Two Meditations for You

Anxiety? Incessant thoughts about what's going on? Hard to disconnect from the news? Physical pain?

Today I share two meditations that can help. I facilitated them last night for my "open house" group and folks really loved them.

  • Meditation #1 starts at minute 2:18 (it's about 9 minutes in length)

  • Meditation #2 starts at minute 11:50 (it's about 18 minutes in length)

Are You Slowing Down or Crashing?

When life starts giving you warning signs, do you slow down? Or do you keep barreling ahead until you crash? Most people in the western world keep busy until they crash, not having heeded the calls to slow down. 


That's what everyone told me to expect about my wedding day.

I heard it over and over, and I decided I wanted it to be different. I wanted to enjoy the day to the fullest and have it feel spacious. I wanted to remember all of it.

In my work, I often record hypnosis tracks and guided visualizations for my clients. I email the recording to them so they can listen to it as often as they want.

I decided to record my own hypnosis track.