How Exactly Does One Love Oneself?

What does self-love really mean and how do you love yourself?

Why is it so important, and why is it that we associate self-love with selfishness?

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share some thoughts on accessing self-love, realizing why it’s so important, and three meaningful avenues for expressing your love for yourself.

2020: The Start of Your Best Decade Yet?

As the decade draws out to a close, I would like to invite you to sit with this thought:

You know that within you lies the seed for so much more.

More life. More radiance. More joy. Deeper peace. More enjoyment of life. Contributions to your family, your community, and the world around you. Glowing health...

It is your inner nature to grow. Always.

The Rich Compost of Life...

…that gives birth to the new.

Throughout 2018 and into the winter of 2019, I composted my life.

What do I mean by that?

I let it all go.

I let go of the bulk of the business that supported me for 12 years.

I let go of my marriage.

I let go of my dreams of becoming a mother.

Here I was about to turn 45 and I was faced with the truth that

5 Gifts I Gave Myself In Ireland… that are bound to change my life

As you may know from my last blog post, I’ve been moving through deep grief in the past few months. And even though I’ve been finding some wonderful gifts brought about by the process of grief, it also gets quite crushing and I needed something to help me reset.

So I went to Ireland for twelve days.

The initial impetus for the trip was to …