Centeredness Boosts Immunity

We live in interesting times, don't we?

This global pandemic experience is certainly uniting all of humanity in a way no event I can think of has ever done. Can you think of any other time where all around the world, humanity was all on the same side, with the same uniting experience? Save from alien invasion movies, I think we'd be hard pressed to find another event quite like this.

It's also bringing out the best in people.

Mastering The Mind-Body Connection: The 1st Step

In mastering the mind-body connection, I’ve found there’s a very helpful first step.

Not all people have access to instantaneous powers of healing. Most of us realize our own power over our body through a natural progression. And for most people it starts here…

Are you up for starting your way into the amazing journey of being the master of your physical health?

It’s quite the journey!

The best place to start is the Vibrant Body, Thriving Life program. Check it out.

Her "bad cholesterol" Dropped 19 Points

You can probably imagine how I felt when I received the following email:

I just called my doctor’s office and got my blood test results! My Cholesterol ratio went from 5.0 to 4.8, my HDL went up a point to 46 and my LDL went down 19 points to 139! So no more conversation about Statin drugs! Thank-you! Thank-you!! Thank-you!!!

— Judy, 57

Photo by from Pexels

Why am I sharing this with you?

My 6-Week Keto Experiment: What I learned

If you were around a few weeks ago, you might remember I started a 6-week fitness challenge on August 1st. I am happy to report that my 6 weeks are FINALLY over and I’m very happy with the experience.

But let me tell you what I REALLY learned…