
How Exactly Does One Love Oneself?

What does self-love really mean and how do you love yourself?

Why is it so important, and why is it that we associate self-love with selfishness?

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share some thoughts on accessing self-love, realizing why it’s so important, and three meaningful avenues for expressing your love for yourself.

The True Cause of Chronic Health Issues

Our western approaches to health only touch the surface of health problems:

  1. Prescription-drugs only work to make symptoms disappear -not address the cause of the issue; and

  2. When we try to go deeper, we typically make changes in nutrition too... and while that may help, it often doesn't get at the CAUSE of it either.

Chronic health issues originate and are held in place by emotion.

"You Are NOT A Victim of Your Genes" ~ Meeting Bruce Lipton

He said it again and again, over the course of the weekend:

"You are NOT a victim of your genes."

This was Bruce Lipton facilitating his workshop at Kripalu, titled "The Grand Convergence of Science and Ancient Religions."