
The Biology of Belief

Do you know that you have power even over the so-called “incurable”?

And did you know that perhaps there is no such thing as incurable?

It probably doesn’t sound possible to you because we’ve been so programmed by the paradigms of western medicine. Whether we’ve heard these words directly told to us about our health or in general, I’m sure you’ve heard a version of these frequently-repeated messages:

  • “There’s no cure for that”

"You Are NOT A Victim of Your Genes" ~ Meeting Bruce Lipton

He said it again and again, over the course of the weekend:

"You are NOT a victim of your genes."

This was Bruce Lipton facilitating his workshop at Kripalu, titled "The Grand Convergence of Science and Ancient Religions."

How Ancestral Wounds Affect Your Life

Last week I shared with you that in Family Therapy there's this cool tool we use called a Family Histogram. 

Doing my own histogram helped me discover that my great-grandmother's forbidden love for my great-grandfather, their illicit affair, and their early deaths leaving my grandmother an orphan, had affected my life in ways I hadn't realized before.

Facebook Live: Family Patterns Affecting Your Health & Life

My friend and colleague Johanna Lynn from Canada and I did a Facebook Live today where we chatted about how family patterns and ancestry shows up in our life in countless ways.