How Exactly Does One Love Oneself?

What does self-love really mean and how do you love yourself?

Why is it so important, and why is it that we associate self-love with selfishness?

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share some thoughts on accessing self-love, realizing why it’s so important, and three meaningful avenues for expressing your love for yourself.

Completing the Anti-Inflammatory Picture: Exercise

Over the past two weeks we explored the pros & cons of Ketogenic diet, and I shared with you the core principles of my anti-inflammatory lifestyle. But we haven’t touched on exercise.

Let’s talk about different kinds of exercise and what they’re good for:

1. Moderate continuous training


I have a confession to make.

I am not very consistent about ANYTHING.

I have a stack of unfinished books in my room. I am terrible at taking supplements. I've never kept a given morning practice going for too long... for a while it was morning pages, it's also been meditation, empowerment visualizations... and for the past few months nothing.

I've known about my lack of consistency for most of my life, but it's only been in the past couple of years that I have come to fully own it.