Mind Over Body

Mastering The Mind-Body Connection: Who would you rather hang out with?

Who would you rather hang out with, someone who believes you can or someone who believes you can’t?

We’re not talking about pipe dreams here… we’re talking about the reality that your body is wired to seek and achieve vibrant, optimal health. That IS your natural state…

Now, I’ve got 3 tools to help you get your engines in gear for thriving. You can download them right now and start using them.

They are:

  1. A tool to help you master the PHYSICAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

  2. A tool to help you master the MENTAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

  3. A tool to help you master the EMOTIONAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

You can do this.

Mastering The Mind-Body Connection: The 1st Step

In mastering the mind-body connection, I’ve found there’s a very helpful first step.

Not all people have access to instantaneous powers of healing. Most of us realize our own power over our body through a natural progression. And for most people it starts here…

Are you up for starting your way into the amazing journey of being the master of your physical health?

It’s quite the journey!

The best place to start is the Vibrant Body, Thriving Life program. Check it out.

Love vs. Fear = Health Care vs. Sick Care

I'm listening to Anita Moorjani's second book, What If This Is Heaven? 

It has powerfully reminded me of something I've written about before, but this message is the cornerstone of all of health, and frankly happiness in all of life. So unless we're enjoying perfect health and a miraculous life, there's something here for each of us.


As you may have noticed, I’ve lately been on a theme of reflecting about my attitudes about my body. I know I am not alone in having a love-hate relationship with my body; so given that I am in a helper/healer role, I aspire that some of my insights and experience will be helpful to you as well.

This week I had an opportunity to step into deeper acceptance and even embracing of some of the imperfections of my body.