The "F word" That Is Key To Healing

Nobody even thinks about this “F word” as being key to healing EVERY dimension of life.

Let me tell you about it…

And now that you know what is the key to healing that you haven’t looked at, let me take you on the journey towards being able to release some MASSIVE stuck energy from your life.

It’s all in this week’s podcast episode:

E.32 ~ Forgiveness: The Key To Healing & Thriving

The Biology of Belief

Do you know that you have power even over the so-called “incurable”?

And did you know that perhaps there is no such thing as incurable?

It probably doesn’t sound possible to you because we’ve been so programmed by the paradigms of western medicine. Whether we’ve heard these words directly told to us about our health or in general, I’m sure you’ve heard a version of these frequently-repeated messages:

  • “There’s no cure for that”

Better Than Keto or Counting Calories...

Last week I shared a story of what’s possible in the realm of achieving spectacular cholesterol numbers without the use of medication.

Today I want to share with you that optimal weight is not only possible, but it’s achievable EVEN by people “of a certain age.”

Mind you, I personally dislike that expression, but I’m using it to illustrate how stupid it is to tell people that their health is destined to go downhill after a given age.

Her "bad cholesterol" Dropped 19 Points

You can probably imagine how I felt when I received the following email:

I just called my doctor’s office and got my blood test results! My Cholesterol ratio went from 5.0 to 4.8, my HDL went up a point to 46 and my LDL went down 19 points to 139! So no more conversation about Statin drugs! Thank-you! Thank-you!! Thank-you!!!

— Judy, 57

Photo by from Pexels

Why am I sharing this with you?