Last week I wrote about my most recent health challenge and how difficult it has been. It has made me reflect on the balance between doing and being, which goes hand-in-hand with the balance between giving and receiving.
Vitamin "P": Pleasure is vital for health
Vitamin P (for pleasure) is a term coined by Marc David. He is the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, and was a guest professor at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition when I studied there. Pleasure is essential to life.
The Healing Magic of Innocence?
Today I find myself pondering the following question:
What if an innocent heart is the key to health and thriving in life?
Let me tell you how I got here. It's been a confluence of insights from different readings, in addition to experiencing what's currently present in my life.
Are You Slowing Down or Crashing?
When life starts giving you warning signs, do you slow down? Or do you keep barreling ahead until you crash? Most people in the western world keep busy until they crash, not having heeded the calls to slow down.
Homemade Deodorant
It has been at least 10 years since I stopped using anti-perspirant. Why? Because it turns out the key ingredient in antiperspirant is aluminum, AND if you didn't know, I'm about to burst your bubble: aluminum is toxic and linked to breast cancer (See research.)