Silence, Speaking, & Shame

Silence, Speaking, & Shame

There’s a complex dynamic between speaking and silence when it comes to the feelings of shame. On the one hand, silence is a key factor in perpetuating and deepening the feelings of shame. On the other hand, it is sometimes speaking that can make shame worse.

So how DO we exit the feelings of shame if we’re faced with a damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenario?

Let’s look at each scenario…


The quest to overcome adversity and emerge triumphant is the underlying storyline of every epic tale we love.

It's also the quest each one of us is on, right now.

Every day of our lives we are participating in the epic telling of our tale. Whether we're conscious of it or not, we are each striving to raise ourselves to a better place -- greater achievement, better health, joyous relationships, financial abundance, peaceful home... whatever it may be.