The Rich Compost of Life...

…that gives birth to the new.

Throughout 2018 and into the winter of 2019, I composted my life.

What do I mean by that?

I let it all go.

I let go of the bulk of the business that supported me for 12 years.

I let go of my marriage.

I let go of my dreams of becoming a mother.

Here I was about to turn 45 and I was faced with the truth that

5 Gifts I Gave Myself In Ireland… that are bound to change my life

As you may know from my last blog post, I’ve been moving through deep grief in the past few months. And even though I’ve been finding some wonderful gifts brought about by the process of grief, it also gets quite crushing and I needed something to help me reset.

So I went to Ireland for twelve days.

The initial impetus for the trip was to …

The Spaciousness, Joy & Energy of a Resounding YES!

We learn to put up with a lot in life. We learn to accommodate. We learn to compromise. We learn to plow through all manner of things that we would rather not do.

A lot of this we learn in childhood. With time, we lose touch of our deepest inner truths. We get used to plodding through the routine of have to’s.

Then when one day you find…

Creating Beautiful Skin From The Inside Out

Don’t ask me why I’ve never squarely focused on skin health. I guess it might have been a reaction to having acne take the center stage of my awareness for so many years, that once it was resolved, I didn’t want to have my work revolve around it.

But it’s time. I feel like I owe it to so many people who haven’t figured it out yet, who still are battling skin challenges.

We start with this: Stop doing what doesn’t work.

Join me on the 26th!

I’m doing a free webinar where I’ll spell out all of the steps that were involved in completely resolving my acne. For good.

These 4 strategies are the same ones required for all skin challenges. Whether it’s exzema, psoriasis or something else.

You can find the details for the workshop and register here.

Mastering The Mind-Body Connection: Who would you rather hang out with?

Who would you rather hang out with, someone who believes you can or someone who believes you can’t?

We’re not talking about pipe dreams here… we’re talking about the reality that your body is wired to seek and achieve vibrant, optimal health. That IS your natural state…

Now, I’ve got 3 tools to help you get your engines in gear for thriving. You can download them right now and start using them.

They are:

  1. A tool to help you master the PHYSICAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

  2. A tool to help you master the MENTAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

  3. A tool to help you master the EMOTIONAL conditions that allow you to thrive.

You can do this.