When You Have Every Reason To Be Happy... But You're Not...

This is a reality for a growing number of people: I "should" be happy, but I'm not.

I have a client who came to me for this reason, and last week another person in my circle emailed me saying, "It feels like even though I have everything I want (happy marriage, great kids, good job, fairly healthy, great family) , things just feel too 'hard'. Having a positive attitude requires work instead of coming more naturally..."

Your Emotions Are Never Wrong

I was talking to a client last week and something she said stood out for me because so people often say or think something similar.

My client was telling me about the frustration she's been feeling quite regularly. When I asked her to give me an example of a recent time she felt frustrated....  

Then she said the critical thing:

What Happens When You Heal Ancestral Wounds?

You reshape humanity...

For the past couple of weeks, I've been sharing with you some of my experiences of a decade of work uncovering the ancestral wounds I carried within me. I shared with you the magic of doing your family histogram; and then last week, we talked about how the field of epigenetics has proven that these ancestral wounds do in fact get passed down, and I shared with you my story of the inherited deep sadness, longing and hopelessness.