A Third Option - Fighting v. Settling Part III

Over the past two weeks we’ve explored how we approach most things in life as a boxing match between two opposites.  

In one corner:  Fighting/fixing it

In the opposite corner:  Settling/tolerating/putting-up-with it

These are the opposite sides of the same coin: Resistance to what is.

Why Neither Fighting Nor Tolerating Work - Part II

What if both fighting and settling just keep you in the thing you actually don’t want? 

Last week we talked about how the energy of fighting/fixing helps to keep you feeling stuck. Essentially, the more we hold the energy of opposition to something, the more we fuel our subconscious belief that this is something that is hard to change. We therefore become our own opposing force! We are both the warrior AND the dragon we’re trying to slay!

Fighting vs. Settling + A 3rd Option for Thriving

What if trying to fix something is just keeping you stuck in the thing you don’t want?

Today I present to you that your valiant effort to fight something actually works against you.

Let’s start with a check-in.


On October 25th I began a quest to create more consistency in my morning spiritual practice. As a way to keep myself accountable, I told my coach that for 21 days I would text him every day to confirm I had done it.

I shared my intention publicly on this blog post. Later, when I completed my 21 days, I shared some of my insights with my newsletter readers. They included things such as:


We are scarcely 3 days into 2017 and already I feel a quiet power brewing for things to come this year. And as I do on most years, I seek to find a word that captures the essence of my intention for the year. I remember in 2013, the word was Create. In 2014, it was Serenity. 2016 was all about Wedding.

As I feel into this big energy for 2017, I find that my word and my intention for this year is: Forgiveness.