Reflections on holiday gift-giving

Over the past few weeks, I read a couple provocative articles on the subject of holiday gift-giving and consumerism.

The first was from Paul Jarvis, who writes a newsletter I read weekly. In his last newsletter, he shared how he doesn't participate in the holiday tradition of gift-giving. Instead, for him and his wife, Christmas Day is a quiet day of resting. 

There was something about his perspective that really appealed to me.


We are scarcely 3 days into 2017 and already I feel a quiet power brewing for things to come this year. And as I do on most years, I seek to find a word that captures the essence of my intention for the year. I remember in 2013, the word was Create. In 2014, it was Serenity. 2016 was all about Wedding.

As I feel into this big energy for 2017, I find that my word and my intention for this year is: Forgiveness.